Sweet Home


An exhibition inside the artwork

Trasporto Eccezionale
It is the title of a collective exhibition inside Sweet Home, organized by the Swiss artist-curator Al Fadhil in collaboration with Umberto Cavenago. A collective exhibition for just one day: Sunday, September 18, 2022, featuring 55 invited artists engaging in this unclassifiable space.
Sweet Home is a place with walls and flooring entirely made of steel, where the artworks have been positioned using magnets within the internal space of the artwork.
The exhibition that marked the inauguration of Sweet Home. An experiment with an allusive character that led participants and the audience to confront the symbolic themes of our contemporaneity.

Sweet Home destabilizes and reorganizes the perceptual constraints that are entrenched within its own social space. It is an open object that aspires to be inexhaustible in relation to any interpretative strategy, a delimited space with a strong vocation for hospitality.

At 5:00 PM, Marco Panizza will present Mettere in flusso, a performative installation by Ermanno Cristini dramatized by the theatrical group Temenos. Apostati d'arte is a performance curated by Giada Mazzocco and Beatrice Guaita, organized by the Blaster collective of Leandro Daniel Manrique and Giada Mazzocco at 5:30 PM (estimated duration 13 minutes).

The artists and the curator of Trasporto Eccezionale will be present on-site to install their magnetized artworks.


TESSUTO ROSSO - dimensione teatrale Mondo parallelo di fantasia in cui ci catapultiamo ogni qualvolta vediamo aprirsi il sipario. Flusso che viene interrotto o alterato di frequente: le chiusure dei teatri, i fallimenti dei corpi di ballo, il taglio delle orchestre e la riduzione dei posti a sedere. Il teatro è un canale che crea un rapporto di intimità tra spettatore e performer, nel momento in cui si spengono le luci e quest’ultimo inizia ad esibirsi, come se tutto il resto della platea sparisse e rimanesse solo chi guarda e chi compie l’atto performativo.

© Collettivo Blaster

Una lecture di Ermanno Cristini diventa uno spettacolo di Temenos ambientato all'interno di Sweet Home